Tuesday 21 October 2008

Youth Night!

C1st and its Youth Action Group's aim is to help make Glanymor & Tysiha a great community for young people.

That means getting local organisations and the community on board to provide opportunities, activities and facilities that young people want. It also means working to help the community and young people to live together happily.

In order for C1st and your community to achieve this goal, we need to know what young people think of G&T as it is now, and the activities and facilities currently provided. With this information, C1st can work towards achieving a community that everyone enjoys living in. This process is called consultation.

On Wednesday 29 October, starting at 6pm, C1st is holding a Youth Night at the C1st Centre in 26-28 Inkerman Street, Llanelli. With the support of the Carmarthenshire Connect project (http://www.carmsconnect.org.uk/), this event will be a chance for young people to make a digital story about their views, opinions and hopes for their community. These will then feature on this, and Carmarthenshire Connect's, blog. This is a chance for you to chance to have your say on how you'd like to see your community develop for you, and the activities you'd like to do.

The G&T C1st Centre in Inkerman Street, Llanelli

In order to participate in this event, a parent/guardian must complete a consent form. Download and print this consent form, or pick one up from the C1st Centre, get it filled in by a parent/guardian and bring it with you on the night.

See you there!

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